Sabancı Üniversitesi








  • Article
    Göker, Zeynep Gülru and Polatdemir, Aslı (2024) "The quest for gender equality in universities at the crossroads of neoliberal and anti-gender pressures: the case of Turkey", Globalization, Societies and Education, Vol.22, No.5, 954-966 (ESCI)
    Irzık, Gürol and Kurtulmuş, Faik (2024) "Distributive epistemic justice in science", British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol.75, No.2, 325-345 (SCI, SSCI, AHCI)
    İkizoğlu Erensü, Aslı (2024) "Appearing to disappear: ordering visibility in a Turkish border spectacle", Media, Culture and Society, Vol.46, No.3, 534-551 (SSCI)
    Özbay, Cenk and İpekçi, İlkan Can (2024) "State-led antigender politics, Islamism, and the university: experiences of gender studies scholars in Turkey", Journal of Middle East Women's Studies, Vol.20, No.1, 89-110 (SSCI)
    Özbay, Cenk (2024) "Transforming buildings, reorienting lives: the desire for gentrification in Istanbul", Urban Geography, Vol.45, No.3, 411-432 (SSCI)
    Irzık, Gürol and Nola, Robert (2023) "Revisiting the foundations of the family resemblance approach to nature of science: some new ideas", Science and Education, Vol.32, No.5, 1227-1245 (SCI, SSCI, AHCI)
    Çağatay, Selin and Göker, Zeynep Gülru and Hünler, Olga Selin and Polatdemir, Aslı (2023) "Collective resilience and resistance in hybrid times: gender struggles in Germany, Turkey and Sweden". Published Online First
    Kurtulmuş, Faik (2023) "Bilimde değerlerin rolü ışığında bilime güven", Felsefe Arkivi, Vol.2023, No.58, 1-21 (NA)
    Özbay, Cenk and Candan, Ayfer Bartu (2023) "Intersectionality and feminist/queer student activism in authoritarian Turkey", International Feminist Journal of Politics, Vol.25, No.4, 664-686 (SSCI)
    Özbay, Cenk and Erol, Maral and Bağcı, Çiğdem and Özkaplan, Nurcan (2023) "Secular but conservative? Youth, gender, and intimacy in Turkey", Turkish Studies, Vol.24, No.1, 29-50 (SSCI)
    Terzioğlu, Ayşecan (2023) "Syrians' experiences of waiting and temporality in Turkey: gendered reconceptualisations of time, space and refugee identity", Time and Society, Vol.32, No.1, 75-100 (SSCI)
    Özbay, Cenk (2022) "Living like a hetero: Southern homonormativity in Istanbul", Sexualities, Vol.25, No.8, 1058-1076 (SSCI)
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Pető, Andrea and Avakian, Arlene Voski and Dutchak, Oksana and Enloe, Cynthia and Koçak, Mert and López Belloso, María and Kennedy-Macfoy, Madeleine (2022) "Open forum: feminist+ solidarity", European Journal of Women's Studies, Vol.29, No.4, 618-635 (SSCI)
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Pető, Andrea (2022) "Women's courageous resistance to gender apartheid in Afghanistan: a conversation with Shaharzad Akbar", European Journal of Women's Studies, Vol.29, No.4, 489-505 (SSCI)
    Altınordu, Ateş (2022) "Türkiye'de sivil din: engeller ve fırsatlar", Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, Vol.25, No.3, 397-414 (NA)
    Biehl Öztuzcu, Kristen (2022) "Spectrums of in/formality and il/legality: negotiating business and migration-related statuses in arrival spaces", Migration Studies (SI), Vol.10, No.2, 112-129 (SSCI)
    Göker, Zeynep Gülru and Çelik, Ayşe Betül (2022) "Women's dialogic encounters: agonistic listening and emotions in multiple-identity conflicts", Third World Quarterly (SI), Vol.43, No.6, 1251-1269 (SSCI)
    Kurtulmuş, Faik (2022) "Science, trust and justice: more lessons from the pandemic", Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, Vol.11, No.6, 11-17 (NA)
    Özbay, Cenk (2022) "State homophobia, sexual politics, and queering the Boğaziçi resistance", South Atlantic Quarterly, Vol.121, No.1, 199-209 (SSCI, AHCI)
    Altınordu, Ateş (2021) "Divine warning or prelude to secularization? Religion, politics, and the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey", Sociology of Religion: A Quarterly Review (SI), Vol.82, No.4, 447-470 (SSCI, AHCI)
    Carrier, Martin and Irzık, Gürol (2021) "Responsible research and innovation: coming to grips with an ambitious concept", Synthese (SI), Vol.198, 4627-4633 (SCI, SSCI, AHCI)
    Irzık, Gürol and Kurtulmuş, Faik (2021) "Well-ordered science and public trust in science", Synthese (SI), Vol.198, 4731-4748 (SCI, SSCI, AHCI)
    Şimga, Hülya and Göker, Zeynep Gülru (2021) "Women's perceptions on peace and justice: the case of the Kurdish issue in Turkey", Women's Studies International Forum, Vol.87 (SSCI)
    Çelik, Ayşe Betül and Göker, Zeynep Gülru (2021) "Dialogue in polarized societies: women's encounters with multiple others", New Perspectives on Turkey, Vol.64, 31-54 (SSCI)
    Özbay, Cenk and Öktem, Kerem (2021) "Turkey's queer times", New Perspectives on Turkey, Vol.64, 117-130 (SSCI)
    Göker, Zeynep Gülru (2021) "Demokrasiyi uygulayarak öğrenme: müzakere, katılım ve toplumsal cinsiyet", Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.20, No.2, 862-882 (NA)
    Özbay, Cenk (2021) "Bir queer mekan olarak park", (Mekânda Adalet ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet), Vol.10, 76-80 (NA)
    Özbay, Cenk (2021) "Cinsiyet ve kendine özgü bir mutenalaşma hikayesi: Hasanpaşa, Kadıköy", (Mekânda Adalet ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet), Vol.10, 28-35 (NA)
    Göker, Zeynep Gülru (2020) "Galatasaray Meydanı'nda vücut bulan vicdan ve adalet: cumartesi anneleri / insanları", (Mekânda Adalet ve Beyoğlu), Vol.9, 170-174 (NA)
    Kurtulmuş, Faik (2020) "The epistemic basic structure", Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol.37, No.5, 818-835 (SSCI, AHCI)
    Biehl Öztuzcu, Kristen (2020) "A dwelling lens: migration, diversity and boundary-making in an Istanbul neighbourhood", Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol.43, No.12, 2236-2254 (SSCI)
    Dolanbay, Mehmet and Kütük, Mehmet Serdar and Terzioğlu, Ayşecan and Özgün, Mahmut Tuncay and Subaşıoğlu, Aslı (2020) "Factors influencing the acceptance of prenatal testing by pregnant women", Kuwait Medical Journal, Vol.52, No.2, 138-142 (SCI)
    Göker, Zeynep Gülru (2020) "Özenli vatandaşlık: feminist özen etiğini yeniden politikleştirmek", Journal for Women's Studies, Vol.21, No.1, 89-106 (NA)
    Özbay, Cenk and Soybakış, Ozan (2020) "Political masculinities: gender, power, and change in Turkey", Social Politics, Vol.27, No.1, 27-50 (SSCI)
    Irzık, Gürol and Kurtulmuş, Faik (2019) "What is epistemic public trust in science?", British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Vol.70, No.4, 1145-1166 (SCI, SSCI, AHCI)
    Göker, Zeynep Gülru (2019) "Memories, stories and deliberation: digital sisterhood on feminist websites in Turkey", European Journal of Women's Studies, Vol.26, No.3, 313-328 (SSCI)
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2019) "Undoing academic cultures of militarism: Turkey and beyond", Current Anthropology, Vol.60, No.S19, S15-S25 (SSCI)
    O'Neil, Mary Lou and Bencivenga, Rita and Göker, Zeynep Gülru and Uçan Çabukçu, Sevgi (2018) "Perspectives on gender studies in Turkey", AG About Gender - International Journal of Gender Studies, Vol.7, No.14, 208-226 (NA)
    Kurtulmuş, Ahmet Faik (2018) "Looking for the Kernel of truth in Sandel's the case against perfection", Beytulhikme: An International Journal of Philosophy, Vol.8, No.2, 521-534 (ESCI)
    Erol, Maral and Özbay, Cenk (2018) "No andropause for gay men? the body, aging and sexuality in Turkey", Journal of Gender Studies, Vol.27, No.7, 847-859 (SSCI)
    Özbay, Cenk and Savcı, Evren (2018) "Queering commons in Turkey", GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Vol.24, No.4, 516-521 (SSCI)
    Terzioğlu, Ayşecan (2018) "The banality of evil and the normalization of the discriminatory discourses against Syrians in Turkey", Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia, Vol.4, No.2, 34-47 (NA)
    Göker, Zeynep Gülrü (2018) "Gender, care and welfare: can caretakers allowances or basic income promote gender equality?", Kadın/Woman 2000: Journal of Women's Studies, Vol.19, No.1, 115-130 (NA)
    Özbay, Cenk (2018) "İstanbullu homonormativite ve üst-orta sınıf gey erkekler", Cogito: Bugünün Distopyası, Vol.90, 241-250 (NA)
    Özbay, Cenk and Erol, Maral (2018) "Vatandaşlık rejimi, cinsellikler ve beden siyaseti", Cogito: Bugünün Distopyası, Vol.90, 201-204 (NA)
    Terzioğlu, Ayşecan (2018) "Vatandaşlığı biyoiktidar ve sağlık eşitsizlikleri ile tartışmak", Cogito: Bugünün Distopyası, Vol.90, 231-240 (NA)
    Terzioğlu, Ayşecan and Hammoudeh, Weeam (2017) "Coping with cancer diagnosis and treatment: a comparative study on women with breast cancer in Turkey and occupied Palestinian territory", Reproductive Health Matters, Vol.25, No.Supple, S35-S46 (SSCI)
    Şimga, Fatma Hülya and Göker, Zeynep Gülrü (2017) "Whither feminist alliance? secular feminists and Islamist women in Turkey", Asian Journal of Women's Studies, Vol.23, No.3, 273-293 (SSCI)
    Irzık, Sibel (2017) "What if one day things go mad?: The unruly objects of Tanpınar's modernism", Middle Eastern Literatures, Vol.20, No.2, 198-214 (AHCI)
    Altınordu, Ateş Ali (2017) "A Midsummer Night's Coup: Performance and power in Turkey's July 15 Coup attempt", Qualitative Sociology, Vol.40, No.2, 139-164 (SSCI)
    Kurtulmuş, Faik and Irzık, Gürol (2017) "Justice in the distribution of knowledge", Episteme, Vol.14, No.2, 129-146 (AHCI)
    Irzık, Sibel and Parla, Jale (2017) "Comparative literature in Turkey", Brazilian Journal of Comparative Literature, Vol.18, No.30, 121-132 (NA)
    Altınordu, Ateş (2016) "The political incorporation of anti-system religious parties: the case of Turkish political Islam (1994–2011)", Qualitative Sociology, Vol.39, No.2, 147-171 (SSCI)
    Arat, Yeşim and Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2015) "KAMER, a women's center and an experiment in cultivating cosmopolitan norms", Women's Studies International Forum, Vol.49, 12-19 (SSCI)
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül (2014) "Centennial challenges: denationalizing and gendering histories of war and genocide", European Journal of Women's Studies, Vol.21, No.3, 307-312 (SSCI)
  • Book
    "Toplumsal cinsiyet perspektifinden: Türkiye'de göç araştırmaları, Biehl Öztuzcu, Kristen and Danış, Didem (eds.), İstanbul: SU Gender Publications, March 2020
    Women mobilizing memory, Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Contreras, María José and Hirsch, Marianne and Howard, Jean and Karaca, Banu and Solomon, Alisa (eds.), New York, NY: Columbia University Press, August 2019
    Türkiye'de cinsiyet kültürleri: Dicle Koğacıoğlu kitabı, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, June 2019
    Kültür denen şey: antropolojik yaklaşımlar, (Prepared by: Bartu Candan, Ayfer and Özbay, Cenk), İstanbul: Metis Yayınları, May 2018
    Özbay, Cenk, Queering sexualities in Turkey: gay men, male prostitutes and the city, London, UK: I.B. Tauris, May 2017
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Çetin, Fethiye, The grandchildren: the hidden legacy of 'lost' Armenians in Turkey, (Translated by: Freely, Maureen), New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, July 2014
  • Book Review
    Göker, Zeynep Gülru, The American passport in Turkey: national citizenship in the age of transnationalism, by Altan-Olcay, Özlem and Balta, Evren, Gender, Place & Culture, Vol.28, No.7, July 2021, 1058-1061
    Altınordu, Ateş, The politics of secularism: religion, diversity, and institutional change in France and Turkey, by Akan, Murat, New Perspectives on Turkey, Vol.62, No.Articl, May 2020, 126-129
    Göker, Zeynep Gülru, Reviewed work: "Bureaucratic intimacies: translating human rights in Turkey" by Elif M. Babül, by Babül, Elif M., Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, Vol.6, No.2, September 2019, 190-192
    Irzık, Gürol, History and philosophy of science-based approach to science teaching at its best, by Matthews, Michael R., Science & Education, Vol.24, No.7-8, October 2015, 1001-1008
    Altınordu, Ateş, Review of "Nurullah Ardıç. Islam and the politics of secularism: the caliphate and Middle Eastern modernization in the early twentieth century", by Ardıç, Nurullah, Review of Middle East Studies, Vol.49, No.1, February 2015, 66-68
    Altınordu, Ateş, Multiple modernities and postsecular societies, by Rosati, Massimo and Stoeckl, Kristina, Insight Turkey, Vol.16, No.1 2014, 210-214
  • Book Section / Chapter
    Yavnık, Elif, "Nietzsche and feminine subjectivity", Nietzsche and Politicized Identities, Bamford, Rebecca and Merrick, Allison (eds.), Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, April 2024, 207-228
    Irzik, Emrah and Irzık, Gürol, "Where Polanyi is more relevant than ever: social justice and technical productivity in scientific knowledge production", The Routledge Handbook on Karl Polanyi, Cangiani, Michele and Thomasberger, Claus (eds.), London: Routledge, February 2024, 313-324
    İkizoğlu Erensü, Aslı, "Refugees, freedom of assembly, and the right to have a place in the world", The Oxford Handbook of Peaceful Assembly, Abu El-Haj, Tabatha and Hamilton, Michael and Probert, Thomas and Srinivasan, Sharath (eds.), Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, February 2024
    Kurtulmuş, Faik, "Gürol Irzık", Cumhuriyetimizin 100. Yılında 100 Felsefecimiz, Durmaz, Nihat and Pilgir, Muhammet (eds.), Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, December 2023, 555-568
    Kurtulmus, Faik and Kandiyali, Jan, "Class and inequality: why the media fails the poor and why this matters", The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Media Ethics, Fox, Carl and Saunders, Joe (eds.), London: Routledge, November 2023
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Avakian, Arlene Voski and Çetin, Fethiye, "The space between us: feminist conversations on genocide, survival and gender", Critical Approaches to Genocide: History, Politics and Aesthetics of 1915, Adak, Hülya and Göçek, Fatma Müge and Suny, Ronald Grigor (eds.), New York and London: Routledge, September 2023, 177-198
    Terzioğlu, Tosun and Terzioğlu, Ayşecan, "Higher education in Turkey", Critical Approaches to Genocide: History, Politics and Aesthetics of 1915, Adak, Hülya and Göçek, Fatma Müge and Suny, Ronald Grigor (eds.), London: Routledge, September 2023, 227-231
    Altınordu, Ateş, "Religion and politics in Turkey", The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of the Middle East, Salvatore, Armando and Hanafi, Sari and Obuse, Kieko (eds.), New York: Oxford University Press, February 2023, 357-372
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül, "Gendered silences, gendered memories: new memory work on Islamized Armenians in Turkey", Genocide and Gender in the Twentieth Century: A Comparative Survey, Randall, Amy E. (ed.), London, New York, Oxford, New Delhi, Sydney: Bloomsburry Publishing, January 2022, 312-331
    Terzioğlu, Ayşecan, "Günümüz Türkiye'sinde tütün bağımlılığının medikalizasyonu ve toplumsal arka planı", Sosyal Bilimlerde Yaklaşımlar, Yönelimler, Yeni Boyutlar, Mirza, Gözde Aynur (ed.), İstanbul: Bağlam Yayıncılık, December 2021, 193-201
    Altınordu, Ateş, "Is Turkey a postsecular society? Secular differentiation, committed pluralism, and complementary learning in contemporary Turkey", Negotiating Democracy and Religious Pluralism: India, Pakistan, and Turkey, Barkey, Karen and Kaviraj, Sudipta and Naresh, Vatsal (eds.), New York: Oxford University Press, September 2021, 157-177
    Kurtulmuş, Faik, "The democratization of science", Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science, Ludwig, David and Koskinen, Inkeri and Mncube, Zinhle and Poliseli, Luana and Reyes-Galindo, Luis (eds.), London, UK: Routledge, July 2021, 145-154
    Terzioğlu, Ayşecan, "Covid-19 ve değişimlerin gizli öznesi olarak salgınlar", Meraklısına Bilim 2020, Sabancıoğlu, Müsemma and Şaylan, Defne Üçer (eds.), İstanbul: Doğan Kitap, March 2021, 24-29
    Altınordu, Ateş, "Uncivil populism in power: the case of Erdoğanism", Populism in the Civil Sphere, Alexander, Jeffrey C. and Kivisto, Peter and Sciortino, Giuseppe (eds.), Cambridge: Wiley, January 2021, 74-95
    İkizoğlu Erensü, Aslı, "Bir geçiş şehrinde gitmeyi beklemek: zamanla yönetilmek, zamana direnmek", Beklerken: Zamanın Bilgisi ve Öznenin Dönüşümü, Biner, Zerrin Özlem and Biner, Özge (eds.), İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, October 2019
    Abiral, Bürge and Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Çalışkan, Dilara and Yıldız, Armanc, "Curious steps: mobilizing memory through collective walking and storytelling in Istanbul", Women Mobilizing Memory, Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Contreras, Maria Jose and Hirsch, Marianne and Howard, Jean and Karaca, Banu and Solomon, Alisa (eds.), New York, NY: Columbia University Press, August 2019
    Irzık, Sibel, "Remembering "possibility": postmemory and apocalyptic hope in recent Turkish coup narratives", Women Mobilizing Memory, Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Contreras, María José and Hirsch, Marianne and Howard, Jean and Karaca, Banu and Solomon, Alisa (eds.), New York, USA: Columbia University Press, August 2019, 424-440
    Özbay, Cenk, "Katmanda bir çentik", Türkiye'de Cinsiyet Kültürleri: Dicle Koğacıoğlu Kitabı, Özbay, Cenk and Terzioğlu, Ayşecan (eds.), İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, June 2019, 9-14
    Terzioğlu, Ayşecan, "Dicle'nin çalışmalarıyla bu kitaptaki yazılar arasında akademik köprüler kurmak", Türkiye'de Cinsiyet Kültürleri: Dicle Koğacıoğlu Kitabı, Özbay, Cenk and Terzioğlu, Ayşecan (eds.), İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, June 2019, 15-21
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Adak, Hülya and Bolgül, Arzu and Güneş, Hatice, "Toplumsal cinsiyet farkındalığı ve cinsel tacizle mücadele: Sabancı Üniversitesi deneyimi", Üniversitelerde Cinsel Taciz ve Saldırıyla Mücadele: CTS Çalışmaları, Uygur, Gülriz and Şimga, Hülya (eds.), Kıbrıs: Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi Yayınevi, November 2018, 123-142
    Göker, Zeynep Gülrü, "Üniversitede cinsel tacizi önleme: Koç Üniversitesi'nin hikayesi", Üniversitelerde Cinsel Taciz ve Saldırıyla Mücadele: CTS Çalışmaları, Uygur, Gülriz and Şimga, Fatma Hülya (eds.), Magosa, Kuzey Kıbrıs: Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi Yayınevi, November 2018, 81-88
    Bartu Candan, Ayfer and Özbay, Cenk, "Giriş: antropoloji ve kültür", Kültür Denen Şey: Antropolojik Yaklaşımlar, Bartu Candan, Ayfer and Özbay, Cenk (eds.), İstanbul: Metis Kitap, May 2018, 9-30
    Özbay, Cenk, "İş antropolojisi", Kültür Denen Şey: Antropolojik Yaklaşımlar, Bartu Candan, Ayfer and Özbay, Cenk (eds.), İstanbul: Metis Yayınları, May 2018, 126-144
    Erol, Maral and Terzioğlu, Ayşecan, "Sağlık antropolojisi", Kültür Denen Şey: Antropolojik Yaklaşımlar, Bartu Candan, Ayfer and Özbay, Cenk (eds.), İstanbul: Metis Yayınları, May 2018, 305-317
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Petö, Andrea, "Introduction: uncomfortable connections: gender, memory, war", Gendered Wars, Gendered Memories: Feminist Conversations on War, Genocide and Political Violence, Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Petö, Andrea (eds.), Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, April 2016, 1-22
    Terzioğlu, Ayşecan, "Rauchumschleierte berge: die debatte um den Tschernobyl-effekt in der Türkei", Politik und Gesellschaft nach Tschernobyl: (Ost-)Europäische Perspektiven, Arndt, Melanie (ed.), Berlin: Links Christoph Verlag, March 2016, 104-129
    Irzık, Gürol, "The internal-external distinction sheds light on the history of the twentieth-century philosophy of science", Relocating the History of Science: Essays in Honor of Kostas Gavroglu, Arabatsiz, Theodore and Renn, Jurgen and Simoes, Ana (eds.), Dordrecht: Springer 2015, 211-223
    Irzık, Gürol, "Toplumsal sorunlara duyarlı bir bilim felsefesine doğru", Çağın Olayları Arasında (Among The Events of The Era), Çotuksöken, Betül and Uygur, Gülriz and Şimga, Hülya (eds.), İstanbul: Tarihçi Kitapevi, January 2014, 307-316
    Irzık, Gürol and Nola, Robert, "New directions for nature of science research", International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching, Matthews, Michael R. (ed.), Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer 2014, 999-1021
  • Papers in Conference Proceedings
    Ergül, Halil İbrahim and Terzioğlu, Ayşecan and Tercan, Murat and Yanıkoğlu, Berrin and Arın, İnanç, "LDA topic modeling on twitter data concerning immigrants and refugees", 31st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), July 2023
    Beyhan, Fatih and Çarık, Buse and Arın, İnanç and Terzioğlu, Ayşecan and Yanıkoğlu, Berrin and Yeniterzi, Reyyan, "A Turkish hate speech dataset and detection system", Calzolari, N. and Bechet, F. and Blache, P. and Choukri, K. and Cieri, C. and Declerck, T. and Goggi, S. and Isahara, H. and Maegaard, B. and Mazo, H. and Odijk, H. and Piperidis, S. (eds.), 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), European Language Resources Association (ELRA), June 2022, 4177-4185
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül, "Kimin kadınları? Müslümanlaştırılmış Ermeniler üzerinden aile-millet-kadınlar", Boztekin, Nihal and Duffner, Ulrike and Sevim, Semahat (eds.), Başka Bir Aile Anlayışı Mümkün mü?, İstanbul: Heinrich Böll Stiftung Derneği Türkiye Temsilciliği, May 2014, 240-250
  • Monograph
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Borhan Türeli, Burcu and Cacace, Marina and Vivas, Ana B. and Strid, Sofia and Düzel, Esin, "Accting factcheet: local is beautiful", Accting / Zenodo, September 2023
    Strid, Sofia and Vivas, Ana B. and Cacace, Marina and Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Borhan Türeli, Burcu, "Accting factsheet: inclusive civil society for an inclusive green deal", Accting / Zenodo, September 2023
    Sandström, Lina and Strid, Sofia and Callerstig, Anne-Charlott and Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Türker, Nazlı and Ensari, Pınar and Bobek, Alicja and Charafeddin, Rana and Clavero, Sara and Delaney, Caitriona and Ghidoni, Elena and Harroche, Audrey and Lionello, Lorenzo and Belloso, Maria Lopez and Taramondi, Dolores Morondo and Rossetti, Federica and Still, Alexis and Tzanakou, Charoula, "Resistire: agenda for future research. Addressing the impacts of Covid-19 policies on gendered inequalities - cycle 3", Resistire / Zenodo, July 2023
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Türker, Nazlı and Ensari, Pınar and Tzanakou, Charoula and Strid, Sofia and Belloso, Maria Lopez and Harroche, Audrey, "Crisis as a continuum: learning from an inclusive feminist crisis response (Resistire factsheet 18)", Resistire / Zenodo, June 2023
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Ensari, Pınar and Türker, Nazlı, "Transformative funding: a pathway for creative and effective crisis response (Resistire factsheet 19)", Resistire / Zenodo, June 2023
    Carnevale, Antonio and Pellegrini-Masini, Giuseppe and Klöckner, Christian A. and Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Düzel, Esin and Borhan Türeli, Burcu and Kerremans, Aart and Denis, Alain and Cacace, Marina, "Accting D2.2 - Report on inspiring practice cases", Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), January 2023
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Türker, Nazli and Ensari, Pınar and Adak, Hülya, "Crisis management for all: inclusive, multi-actor crisis management", Resistiré Consortium, August 2022
    Strid, Sofia and Sandström, Lina and Callerstig, Anne-Charlott and Adak, Hülya and Aglietti, Claudia and Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Bobek, Alicja and Cacace, Marina and Charafeddine, Rana and Clavero, Sara and Cibin, Roberto and Delaney, Caitriona and Denis, Alain and Ensari, Pınar and Ghidoni, Elena and Kerremans, Aart and Linkóva, Marcela and Lionello, Lorenzo and Lopez, Maria and Taramundi, Dolores Morondo and Rossetti, Federica and Stovell, Clare and Stöckelová, Tereza and Fenosa, Laia Tarragona and Türker, Nazli and Tzanakou, Charoula and Živković, Igor, "Agenda for future research: addressing the impacts of COVID-19 policies on gendered inequalities (2nd cycle)", Resistiré Consortium, July 2022
    Göker, Zeynep Gülru, "INGEV'in "Toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğine yönelik tutumlar" çalışmasına yansımalar", INGEV (İnsani Gelişme Vakfı), March 2022
    Živković, Igor and Kerremans, Aart and Denis, Alain and Strid, Sofia and Callerstig, Anne-Charlotte and Axelsson, Tobias and Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Türker, Nazli and Ghidoni, Elena and Fenosa, Laia Tarragona and Cibin, Roberto and Stovell, Clare and Tzanakou, Charoula and Charafeddine, Rana and Rossetti, Federica, "Agenda for future research: to address the impact of COVID-19 policies on gendered inequalities", Resistiré Consortium, December 2021
    Strid, Sofia and Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Türker, Nazli and Ghidoni, Elena and Fenosa, Laia Tarragona, "Improving national responses to gender-based violence: lessons from the pandemic crisis", Resistiré Consortium, December 2021
    Göker, Zeynep Gülru and Polatdemir, Aslı, "Türkiye'de yükseköğretim kurumlarında toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği mekanizmaları: bir temel değerlendirme çalışması", İstanbul: Sabancı Üniversitesi Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Kadın Çalışmaları Mükemmeliyet Merkezi (SU Gender) & Research Worldwide Istanbul, May 2019
  • Volumes Edited / Special Issues
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Petö, Andrea, Feminist+solidarity as transformative politics, Sage, November 2022
    Özbay, Cenk and Öktem, Kerem, New Perspectives on Turkey: Dossier on Turkey's Queer Times, Cambridge University Press, May 2021
    Göker, Zeynep Gülru and Özbay, Cenk, (Mekânda Adalet ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet) / v.10, İstanbul: Mekanda Adalet Derneği, February 2021
    Göker, Zeynep Gülru and Özbay, Cenk, Mekanda Adalet ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Özel Sayısı, Mekanda Adalet Derneği, February 2021
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Petö, Andrea, Gendered wars, gendered memories: feminist conversations on war, genocide and political violence, London: Routledge, March 2016
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Peto, Andrea, Europe and the century of genocides: new directions in the feminist theorizing of genocide, SAGE Publications, November 2015, 379-385
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Petö, Andrea, Gender, memory and connective genocide scholarship: a conversation with Marianne Hirsch, Sage Publications, November 2015, 386-396
    Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Pető, Andrea, Gendering genocide (Special issue of European Journal of Women's Studies), SAGE Publications, November 2015
    Petö, Andrea and Altınay, Ayşe Gül, Feminist questions at the centennial of the First World War, London, England: Sage, August 2014
  • Working Paper / Technical Report
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Keyman, Fuat and Biehl Öztuzcu, Kristen Sarah, "Changing parameters of migration cooperation: beyond the EU-Turkey deal", December 2019
    Danış, Didem and Biehl Öztuzcu, Kristen and Kablan, Enes, "Göç ve deprem III - İstanbul'a gelen depremzede mültecilere yönelik kabul ve dışlama mekanizmaları", June 2023
    Soykan, Cavidan and Biehl Öztuzcu, Kristen and Hazan, Ceki, "Kadın mülteciler ve toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği: haritalama ve izleme çalışması", July 2021
    Göker, Zeynep Gülru and Özbay, Cenk and Yedikardeş, Umur, "Türkiye'de akıllı kentleşme ve gençlik politikaları", September 2023
    Durceylan Kaygusuz, Esra and Filiztekin, Alpay and Göker, Zeynep Gülru, "Türkiye'de kadınların işgücüne katılımı: genel eğilimler, bölgesel ve demografik farklar, tutumlar", June 2023
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