Sabancı Üniversitesi


Summer Seminar for Students: Islam in Europe (Greece)

Published on 26.03.2014 22:02


Hydra Island, Greece, July 2-6, 2007

Islam in Europe

The Institute of International Relations of Panteion University (Athens), is organizing from July 2-6, 2007, its 16th International Summer Seminar titled: Islam in EuropeThe Seminar will take place at the Hydra island (Museum of Hydra).

This five-day seminar is designed to provide university students and junior government officials from around the world with a unique opportunity to gain a comprehensive insight of the prospects and challenges posed by the encounter of European states and societies with Islam and the contribution of their Muslim communities to a new conceptualization of  international security and social-cultural diversity.

International experts – academics, Islamic affairs experts, government officials as well as communities leaders will deliver lectures and lead discussions that will allow attendees to gain insights into a variety of views and approaches on such a multifaceted theme.

The ultimate objective of the seminar is to foster mutual understanding among the policy-makers and leaders of tomorrow on issues that will have an ever-increasing impact on regional and international relations – on stability and prosperity – in the 21st century.

 Thematic areas of the Seminar

  1. Mirrors of History: The discussion will revolve around perceptions, stereotypes and attitudes built throughout the historical relations between Europe and its civilization and the world of Islam
  2. Islam in the Balkans and the Black Sea: After the theories of the “Islamic Crescent” there is a need of a fresh look on the role of Islamic identities in state formation (Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania) and as well as on the role and dynamics of Muslim minorities in various Balkan and ex-Soviet states.  Moreover it is worth analyzing the effect of Islam on these states entry and integration in the EU.
  3. The Growing Muslim Communities in Europe: There will be addressed issues such as the demographic and social growth of Muslim communities in Europe, the impact of Islam in decision making regarding foreign policy, the responses of European Muslims to the post 9/11 era and the developments in the Middle East
  4. Islam in European political cultures: is there a place?  The theme responds to questions such as what the increasing visibility of Islam in European public space means, what is the European political identity and to what extend it can integrate Muslim communities and Muslim nations (Turkey etc.). Islam is a matter of mere security or rather political integration?

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Seminar is highly competitive. Participants to the Seminar are selected after a thorough review by a joint Selection Committee.  Eligible to apply are graduate/senior undergraduate students in the field of International Relations and related disciplines, junior diplomats, journalists, civil servants and consultants in foreign and international affairs, up to 30 years old, who can demonstrate proficiency in the English language.  Upon completion of the Seminar’s requirements, participants will be granted, by I.I.R., a Certificate of Attendance


All applications should reach I.I.R. (via mail), by May 15, 2007 and should include all the above mentioned documents (official transcripts and letters of recommendation should also be sent by regular mail).    For any questions please contact us at

Ø Download Application Form


Please send completed applications and supportive documents to:

Summer Seminar Coordinator

Institute of International Relations

3-5, Hill Street,

105 58 Athens, Greece.

Phone:  0030 210 3312325 – 7

Fax:  0030 210 3313575




The island of Hydra where the Summer Seminar  takes place


Participants are required to attend all lectures during the Seminar. They are also required to submit – by September 14, 2007 –  a paper of no less than 4.000 words, on an aspect of the  Seminar’s general theme: Islam in Europe. I.I.R. reserves the right to publish the five best papers at its website. 

Accommodation Fee

Participants selected to attend the Seminar will be asked to make a financial contribution of 200 Euros, covering part of the cost of the Seminar expenses.  Remittance to the I.I.R. by check or bank order of the equivalent of this amount is required at least 15 days prior to the Seminar.  Failure to meet this deadline will lead to automatic cancellation of admission.




Participants are responsible for making their own travel and insurance arrangements as well as covering their vice versa ticket expenses.  (From/to their country and from/to Piraeus).



The Institutes of International Relations will cover the following expenses:

Ø  Accommodation expenses (breakfast included) during the stay in Hydra Island (July 1-6, 2007).   

Ø  Participants are responsible for any expenses other than those listed above.



Ø  Participants will be hosted in double and triple rooms at a hotel in Hydra. 

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