Sabancı Üniversitesi



Published on 26.03.2014 22:04


Co-organized by the University of Macedonia, the University of Patras,

the Program on Order, ConflictandViolenceatYaleUniversityandMICROCON

With the support of the Municipality of Ancient Olympia,

the Olympia Inter-Cultural Center and the EU 6th Framework Programme

SINCE THE SUMMER OF 2002, Olympia has been hosting, with growing success,
an annual international graduate summer program in conflictstudies.Thanksto
the collaboration of Greek universities with Yale University’s Program on Order,
of Greek foundations, the OSS bring together every year a highly diverse
and talented group of graduate students, professionals, and professors from
more than 20 countries from around the world.

 The purpose of the Seminars is to create a forum for high quality academic work in the unique
context of Olympia, and to provide opportunities for the creation and consolidation of scholarly
networks of cooperation.

 The 2008 program is comprised of two cycles: a course in conflictstudies;and,acourseinadvanced
research methods with an emphasis on the study of conflict.Theseminarwillrunfrom
July 4 until July 13, 2008. Participants will be selected from a competitive pool of candidates from
around the world. Tuition charges cover only part of the total cost of the program since OSS is
generously supported by several sponsors. A number of scholarships are offeredonthebasisof
merit and need.

Apply to Olympia Summer Seminars

Applicants should be (post-) graduate students working towards Masters or
Ph.D degrees. A few senior undergraduates in social sciences may also be admitted.
All applicants should be fluentinEnglish.Anapplicationshouldinclude
a short bio, a letter of recommendation and a copy of university transcripts.

 For all inquiries please visit You can e-mail olympia@uom.
gr. Also you can contact Ms Dimitriadou, tel.: +30 2310 891.474, fax: +30 2310
891.450. Please download the application form from the web and submit by e-
mail by May 2, 2008. Early applications are strongly encouraged, especially if a request for financial
aid is submitted. Places are limited and will be awarded on merit. Decisions will be mailed out by
May 15, 2008. Admitted foreign students will be provided with all necessary documentation in
support of a visa application, if this is needed.


All participants are expected to pay for their own travel to and from
Athens. In addition, there is a 100-euro non-refundable registration fee to
be paid in advance of the seminar to secure a place, in accordance with the
instructions provided in the letter of admission. Tuition and board charges
for cycle A is 750 euros and for cycle B 900 euros. This covers shared hotel
accommodation in a double occupancy room, breakfast and dinner, all the
reading material, transportation from Athens to Olympia and back, as well as cultural and social
activities. A single room can be provided at an additional charge. A limited number of scholarships
for the tuition and board charges are available and will be awarded on a merit and need basis. All
participants are admitted to one of the two cycles and students cannot change cycles once the
seminars begin.


War, Conflict&Identity

July 4-July 13, 2008

Course description

This course will provide a concise, yet in-depth, overview of recent theoretical and empirical research
on conflict,spanningseveraldisciplinesandissueareas. We will survey recent advances in
the study of political violence, including civil wars and terrorism; nationalism and ethnic conflict;
conflictandpost-conflictdynamics. The faculty for the 2008 seminars includes Stathis Kalyvas,
author of The Logic of Violence in Civil War; Monica Toft, author of The Geography of Ethnic Violence:
Identity, Interests, and Territory; Dimitris Keridis, author of The US Foreign Policy and the Conservative
Counter-Revolution, Andreas Gofas, author of several papers on terrorism and international relations.

Participating Guest Professors

Stathis Kalyvas, Political Science, Yale University

Dimitris Keridis, Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, University of Macedonia

Monica Toft, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Andreas Gofas, Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals


MICROCON Course in Advanced Methods for Research in ConflictAffectedCountries

July 6-13, 2008

Course Description

This course will provide training in innovative multidisciplinary methods in conflictresearch.Itis
being organized by MICROCON, a research program funded by the European Commission’s Sixth
Framework Program, which aims to create the foundations for a new research and policy agenda
for the study of the full conflictcycleatthemicrolevel.ForinformationonMICROCONpleasevisit Part of this agenda is the development of methods for the collection and
analysis of qualitative and quantitative conflict-relateddataonindividualandgroupinteractions
in conflictenvironments.Thecoursewilllastoneweek,andisaimedatgraduatestudentsengaged
in research on violent conflict.Itwillprovidetrainingontopicsincludingquantitativeand
qualitative methods, fieldpracticesandresearchethics.Eachdaywillberunbyaleadingexpert,
who will lecture on and discuss their specialization. Students will present their research proposals
at the beginning of the week and receive feedback throughout the course.

Participating Guest Professors

Patricia Justino, Economics, Quantitative Methods, Institute of Development Studies, Sussex and
Harvard University

Betsy Levy Paluck, Social Psychology, Experimental Design, Harvard University

Stathis Kalyvas, Political Science, Theory, Yale University

Philip Verwimp, Economics, Survey Research, National Science Foundation (Flanders, Belgium),
University of Antwerp and Université Libre de Bruxelles

Jon Pederson, Managing Director, FAFO, Norway


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