Sabancı Üniversitesi


Association for Cultural Studies Summer Institute

Published on 27.03.2014 10:27
The Association for Cultural Studies (ACS) presents the inaugural *ACS

Summer Institute* to be held from *11-15 July 2011* at the Department of
Educational Studies of Ghent University in Belgium. The theme of the
Summer Institute is *Critical Literacies.*

The traditional notions of literacy have been challenged by developments
such as digitization, globalization and multiculturalism. During the
Summer Institute we will question and discuss these challenges from a
critical perspective, working at the intersection of cultural studies
and education. We will expand the notion of a singular literacy to
multiliteracies and focus on what this shift implies for media literacy,
digital literacy, (cross)cultural literacy, academic literacy, corporal
literacy, etc.

The Summer Institute will provide an intense and rewarding pedagogical
experience for postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers who
will have the opportunity to spend the week learning from lectures and
seminars delivered by 4 to 5 keynote speakers and a faculty staff of
leading cultural studies scholars from around the world. The following
keynote speakers have been confirmed: *Carol Stabile *(University of
Oregon, USA)*- Ted Striphas *(Indiana University, USA)*- John Willinsky
*(Stanford University, USA).

The Summer Institute will be held in the tradition of the Crossroads
conferences, bringing together people from a wide range of disciplines
to explore what it means to conduct cultural studies. We therefore
encourage participation from researchers who work in disciplines such as
cultural studies, cultural anthropology, film studies, media studies,
literary theory and criticism, discourse analysis, new literacy studies,
educational studies, rhetorical criticism etc.

Those interested in participating are invited to take notice of the
above mentioned dates. Practical information about registration and a
full list of Summer Institute keynotes and faculty will be disseminated
in due course.

The _Association of Cultural Studies <>_ is the
premiere international association of cultural studies and hosts the
biennial Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference. Starting with Ghent
in 2011, the ACS intends to host a biennial Summer Institute.

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ACS List signoff instructions, and other important stuff: archives/acs.html
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