Sabancı Üniversitesi


"PROJ 300 Summer Internship" Requirement for FASS BA Programs

Published on 27.03.2014 10:29
Dear Students,

"PROJ 300 Project and Internship" course has just been added as a required course to the degree requirements of  FASS BA Programs - Cultural Studies, Economics, Social and Political Sciences, Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design -.PROJ 300 requirement will be applied starting from this academic year but only for students who have enrolled at the university in 2009-2010 academic year or later

The former graduation requirements for the students who have enrolled at the university before 2009-2010 academic year are still valid, so these students need not take PROJ 300 as a required course. Still, they can register to it as a free elective during Spring semester course registrations if they like.

Only the students who have declared their majors and been placed in one of the FASS BA programs can register to PROJ 300 course. So;

- Students who have enrolled at the university in 2009-2010 academic year or later (Foundation Development Year is apllied as the starting year)


- Those who have declared / are going to declare their majors by the end of Fall 2010 semester

are kindly reminded to register to one of the PROJ 300 sections below (according to your declared program) during Spring 2010-2011 course registration or add-drop period 

PROJ 300 CUL   for Cultural Studies students

PROJ 300 ECO   for Economics students

PROJ 300 SPS    for Social and Political Sciences students

PROJ 300 VA      for Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design students.

Kind regards,

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

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