Sabancı Üniversitesi


8 March - Women's Day: Anne Fausto- Sterling


March 8, 2013, Friday

Sabancı University; Minerva Palas

Time: 17.00

"Nature vs. Nurture: How Feminists Think about Gender Differences" /  "Doğa mı Kültür mü? Feministler Toplumsal Cinsiyet Farklarını Nasıl Tartışıyor?"

*Simultaneous translation will be provided during the seminar.

* Abstract: In the 1970’s American feminists developed the concept of gender as a political and cultural category distinct from sex. This linguistic move served an important political function, and it still does today. But it has also been necessary to reexamine the category of sex, which seemed unambiguous in the 1970s but today appears to be more complicated. In the talk I will offer a bit of the history of sex v gender,  explain why it works less well today, and suggest ways to break out of the dilemma.

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