Sabancı Üniversitesi


Öğrenci Aktiviteleri


  • Cenk Özbay and İlkan Can İpekçi (2024) “State-led Anti-Gender Politics, Islamism, and University: Experiences of Gender Studies Scholars in Turkey.” Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 20 (1): 89–110.
  • Tugçe Kaban (2024) “Ekranlarda İnci Taneleri: Kadınların Gerçeği Bu Değil.” Bianet.
  • Gizem Damla Çakmak (2024) “A Non-Anthropocentric and Non-Heteronormative Reading of Female Sexuality and Desire in Julia Ducournau’s Raw,” International Gender for Excellence in Research Conference Proceedings, Lund University Media-Tryck. 
  • İlkan Can İpekçi (2023) “Scriptural Contentions: Challenging the Heteronormative Translational Hermeneutics of the Qur’an through the Voices of Queer* Muslim in Turkey,” In Indivisible: Social Responsibility in the Age of Entropocene, edited by M. Blaszkowska-Nawrocka, M. Rozalska, & A. Treska-Siwon, Krakow: AT. 
  • Gizem Damla Çakmak (2023) “Unruly Bodies: Reading Mobility through Trans-corporeal Becoming [Review of the book Salt Fish Girl, by L. Lai]”, Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies 13(3). 
  • İlkan Can İpekçi (2023) “A Review of Gut Feminism.” Feminist Pedagogy 3 (5): 1–3. 
  • Gizem Damla Çakmak (2021) “The Vegetarian: Reading Abject as a Site of Agency Through a Gothic Ecocritical Lens”, Gothic Nature Journal.
  • İlkan Can İpekçi (2021) “The Lived Experiences of Turkish Queer* English Teachers within the Scope of Institutionalized Heteronormativity,” Inter Alia: A Journal of Queer Studies 16 (1): 140–154.
  • İlkan Can İpekçi (2021) “Artistic Masculinities: The Role of the Arts in Cosmopolitan Remaking of Masculinities and Alternative Gender Expressions in the Creative Minds,” In Beyond Identities: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Gender, edited by E. Dominguez-Rue, London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research.


  • Zeren Sevim Sipahioglu Arkin and Aysecan Terzioglu (2025) Bodies, Texts and Contexts, The 17th Annual Conference of the International Society for Cultural History, Rovaniemi University, Finland.
  • Tugçe Kaban (2024) Beyond the Victimhood and Agency Dichotomy of Konsomatris Women: The Reproduction of Ankara Pavyons from the Early Republican Era to the Present, The Center for Comparative Research on Democracy at Humboldt University.
  • Tugçe Kaban (2024) Ankara Pavyonlarında Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Cinselliğin Kuruluşu: Konsomatris Kadınların Cinsel Emeği ile Ankara Pavyonlarının Yeniden Üretimi, Sociology Conference, Mimar Sinan Fine Art University. 
  • Zeren Sevim Sipahioglu Arkin, (2024) (Self)Disciplining the Body: An Analysis of Visual Culture and Its Link to Eating Disorders in Turkey, The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies, Tokyo, Japan. 
  • Tugçe Kaban (2024) Arabization of Beyoğlu's Nightlife through the Interplay of Gender and Migration Dynamics in the Case of Arabic Clubs, BROAD-ER International Winter School 2024, Amsterdam University. 
  • İlkan Can İpekçi (2023). Matters that Matter (No More?): Neoliberal Transformation of Gender Studies Academia in Turkey and the Intersectional Politics of Epistemic Justice – the 12th Annual ROLES Sexuality and Gender Studies Conference, Birmingham University, UK. 
  • Gizem Damla Çakmak (2023) Re-envisioning Commons in Anita Desai’s Fire on the Mountain: A Postcolonial Appropriation of the Nature-Culture Divide. Reclaiming the Commons: ASLE + AESS 2023 Conference, Portland, Oregon.
  • İlkan Can İpekçi and A. Altan-Atalay (2023). The Association between Minority Stress and Psychological Distress: The Moderator Role of Self-Compassion, STAR Society Conference, University of Algarve, Portugal. 
  • Gizem Damla Çakmak (2023) A Non-Anthropocentric and Non-Heteronormative Reading of Female Sexuality and Desire in Julia Ducournau’s Raw. GenderEX / The 2nd International Gender for Excellence in Research Conference, Kadir Has University, Istanbul.
  • İlkan Can İpekçi (2023). Gender and Sexuality Outside the Clinic: A Psychosocial Politics of Queer Trauma and LGBTQIA2S+ Mental Health in Turkey, Sabancı University Graduate Students Conference.
  • Gizem Damla Çakmak (2023) Imagining a Queer Dys(u)topia: An Ecogothic Reading of the Female Body in Larissa Lai’s Salt Fish Girl. Queer and Feminist Studies in Southeastern Europe (QueerFemSEE) II International Conference, Feminist Autonomous Centre for Research, Athens, Greece.
  • İlkan Can İpekçi (2023). The Unholy Trinity of the Gendered Self: Body, Mind, and Desire in Trans-Exclusionary ‘Radical Feminists’ Online Discourse, Indivisible: Social Responsibility in the Age of Entropocene Conference, Krakow, Poland.
  • Tugçe Kaban (2023) Tracing the Footprints of Top-Down Modernization in the Early Republic Era through Entertainment Culture: The Past and Present of Ankara Pavyons, Republicanism Workshop, Sabancı University. 
  • Gizem Damla Çakmak (2023) Antroposende Grotesk ve İğrenç Bedenler: Han Kang’ın The Vegetarian Romanının Gotik Ekoeleştirel İncelemesi. POEDAT Konferansı, Postane, Istanbul.
  • Alperen Narmanli (2022) Gender-Based Violence and Harassment against Men in the Workplace within the Context of Hegemonic Masculinity: The Case of West Africa, Université Bordeaux-Montaigne, France. 
  • İlkan Can İpekçi and Şener, G., Boluvat, M. F. (2022). Saldırganlık: Aciliyet Hissi, Sıkıntıya Dayanma ve Öfkeye İlişkin Derin Düşünme Üzerinden İncelenmesi, 21st National Psychology Conference, 21st National Psychology Conference, Istanbul, Turkey. 
  • Alperen Narmanli (2022) Intergenerational Solidarity, Creating a World for All Ages event, 12 August International Youth Day organized by UN Women.
  • İlkan Can İpekçi (2022). Queer and Muslim?: Challenging the Heteronormative Translational Hermeneutics of the Qur’an in Turkey, Queer in the Middle East, Queering the Middle East Conference at the University of Texas at Austin.
  • Alperen Narmanli (2022) On Ecofeminism, The 66th Commission on the Status of Women Side Event, organized by Bahai International Community. 
  • Tugçe Kaban (2021) 1970’lerden Günümüze Mülkiye’de Kadın Olma Deneyimleri, Gender and Women's Studies Research Center, Mülkiyeliler Birliği. 
  • İlkan Can İpekçi (2021). Oceans Away from the Wakeful Day: A Psychoanalytical Reading of Maurice Sendak’s “Where the Wild Things Are.” Cultural Studies ’22: International Conference on Cultural Studies.
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