Sabancı Üniversitesi






Fırat Demir

The Contemporary Cultural Manifestation of the Kemalist Paranoid Style in Turkish Politics

Sibel Irzık


Ebru Özdeş

Patronsuz Kazak or Jumpers without Masters: New Social Movements in Turkey and a Critical Engagement with Commoning 

Ateş Altınordu


Laura Elise Neumann

“It can happen anytime”: Experts Dealing with the Risk of a Future Istanbul Earthquake

Ayşe Gül Altınay


Hamza Göktaş

Identity Construction of Trans Women in Turkey

Cenk Özbay

Hilal Gül

A Glance behind the Official: Madrasa Education in the Contemporary Turkey from a Gender Perspective 

Ateş Altınordu

Ayşe Şanlı

Quotidian Boundaries and How to Circumvent Them: An Inquiry into a Syrian Community in İstanbul

Ateş Altınordu

Ceren Aydın

Medicalization of Intersex and Variations of Sex Characteristics: An Analysis of the Medical Procedures through Narratives of Clinicians and Intersex Individuals in Turkey

Ayşe Gül Altınay

Gamze Tosun

Communicating Difficult Parts in Performing Arts: Disko 5 No’lu and Sen Balık Değilsin ki 

Hülya Adak

Sümeyra Güneş

Humor as Resistance: The Case of Zaytung

Sibel Irzık

Hana Korneti

An Analysis of Literary Canon Formation through The Case of Mandatory Literary Readings Slelction in Primary and Secondary Schools in Macedonia 

Sibel Irzık

Lesli Jebahar Louise Bourgeis' Art as Queer Performance Sibel Irzık 2016/2017
Elif Birced From a Profession to a Struggle: The Precarization of Social Scientists in Foundation Universities Ateş Altınordu 2016/2017
Berkay Uluç Literature and Health: An Essay Critical and Clinical on Vüs'at O. Bener's Novels" Sibel Irzık 2016/2017
Servet Büyükkuşoğlu Infulences on InstagramTurkey: Performing the "Iconic Mother" and the "Iconic Woman" Leyla Neyzi 2016/2017
Beja Portner Perpetrator Graffiti: Sharing Violent Words and Images in Turkey Ayşe Parla 2016/2017
Rabia Aslı Koruyucu Construction of Trans Masculinities: Experiences of Trans Men, Lawyers and Psychiatrists in Turkey Ayşe Gül Altınay 2016/2017
Lara Güney Özlen Identity Politics and Solidarity Practices of Lesbian and Bisexual Women in Istanbul Ayşe Gül Altınay 2016/2017
Derya Aydın Cemeteries and Memorials: Violence, Death and Mourning in Kurdish Society Leyla Neyzi 2016/2017
Celal Kaan Başer Hospitality and its Many Guises: Figuring a Typology for Carpet Salesmen Cenk Özbay 2016/2017
Atak Ayaz Reflections in the Silver Miror: (Re)Constructing the City and Morality in Muş  Ayşe Parla 2015/2016
Betül Sarı Mad Women of Literature:Gender and Narrative in Mine Söğüt’s Writings  Sibel Irzık 2015/2016
Çiçek Aycan Uygun Between Oversexualization and Motherhood: Divorced Mother’s Narratives on Womanhood, Motherhood and Sexuality  Ayşe Parla 2015/2016
Deanna Marie Cachoian-Schanz (Dis)Orienting Exile: Home and Belonging in Queer Armenian-American Women’s Memoir  Hülya Adak 2015/2016
Elif Binici Narrator’s Play: Weaving Voice and Silence in Periferik-A Söe and Hawara Dicleye  Sibel Irzık 2015/2016
Emine Nihan Türegün Being a Mother and a Revolutionary: Experiences of Motherhood among Revolutionary Women in 1970s-80s Turkey  Ayşe Gül Altınay 2015/2016
Saliha Akbaş Fifty Shades of  ‘State’: The Politics of Conspiracy and Transparency in Contemporary Turkey  Ateş Altınordu 2015/2016
Tolga Özata Haunting Pasts, Broken Futures: Youth Subjectivities under the Conditions of Violence and Precarity  Leyla Neyzi 2015/2016
Aila Spathopoulou Degrees of Liquidity on the Aegean: Ships, Migrants and Connecting Waters Around Lesvos Ayşe Parla 2014/2015
Bürge Abiral Catastrophic Futures, Anxious Presents: Lifestyle Activism and Hope in the Permaculture Movement in Turkey Ayşe Parla 2014/2015
Caitlin Marie Miles Shutter, Click, Social Change: An Examination of the Nar Photos Collective Banu Karaca 2014/2015
Ceren Alkan Hope and Revolution in a Critical Dystopia: “The Hunger Games” Sibel Irzık 2014/2015
Derya Özkaya Commerative Practices and Narratives of Revolutionary Movements in Turkey: “Kizildere” as a Texture of Memory Sibel Irzık 2014/2015
Erdem Kayserilioğlu Beyond the “People” : Formation of “Ulusalcilik” in the AKP’s Populist Discourse Banu Karaca 2014/2015
İlkim Karakuş “Brutes” and “Pacifists” Meet Politics of the Act: Violence, Nonviolence and Prefiguration
Faik Kurtulmuş 2014/2015
İrem Soysal Al Organic Food and Mothers: Techniques of Neoliberal Governmentality and Negotiation of Multiple Discourses of Motherhood, Risks, and Organic Food Ayşe Parla 2014/2015
Pınar Budan The Impasse of Urban to Rural Migration: Re-enchantment and Disillusionment in Sirince Sibel Irzık 2014/2015
Polina Parthena Gioltzoglou  Iron Fist of a Soft Power: The Use of Restrictive Measures (Economic Sanctions) by the European Union Ayşe Parla 2014/2015
Serkan İlaslaner Onur: 'Emotional Habitus' of LGBTI Activism in Turkey Ayşe Gül Altınay 2014/2015
Dilara Çalışkan Queer Mothers and Daughters: The Role of Queer Kinship in the Everyday Lives of Trans Sex Worker Women in Istanbul Ayşe Gül Altınay 2013/2014
Duygu Deliler Self Perception and Self Definition of Women Working in Private Sector in Managerial Positions Sibel Irzık 2013/2014
Elif İrem Az Military Masculinities in the Making: Professional Military Education in Contemporary Turkey Ayşe Gül Altınay 2013/2014
Ezgi Şeref Emergent Distinctions in the Juridical Field: The Case of ‘Plaza Attorneys’ in Turkey Ayşe Öncü 2013/2014
Laura Zacchi Home, Belonging and Collage- Identities: A Case Study on Second- Generation Turks in Modena Annedith Schneider 2013/2014
Marhabo Saparova Gendered Migration, Gendered Affiliations: A Case of Women University Students from Central Asia in the Hizmet Movement in Turkey Ayşe Gül Altınay 2013/2014
Neşe Kaya Hopa Hemsinlis: History, Language and Identity Leyla Neyzi 2013/2014
Pelin Tünaydın Rescuing the Bears, Silencing the Bear Leaders: Bear Dancing in Historical Context and Its Aboliation in Turkey Ayşe Parla 2013/2014
Saniye Burcu Tokat The Poetics and Politics of the Uncanny in Sevim Burak’s Works Sibel Irzık 2013/2014
Sertaç Kaya Şen The Life on the Margins: Experiences of Childhood within the Military Complex Ayşe Gül Altınay 2013/2014
Sylvia Nicole Joss The Role of Gender in the Context of ‘Roots’ Migration: Why Do Germany- Born Turkish Women Migrate to Turkey? Annedith Schneider 2013/2014
Aydın Özipek Everybody Wants to Stand out in Life: New Forms of Self-expression among Urban Lower-class Youth in Neoliberalizing Turkey Leyla Neyzi 2012/2013
Aykun Özgen  Orhan Pamuk in the Context of İstanbul Authorship:The Black Book, My name is Red Hülya Adak 2012/2013
Cihan Yılmaz Negating The Wall: An Analysis of Space, Resistance, Witnessing and Writing in Turkish Coup D’etat Literature Sibel Irzık 2012/2013
Çicek İlengiz Archiving,Remembering,Aestheticizing ‘Old’ İstanbul: The Case of the Fabiato Mansion Ayşe Gül Altınay 2012/2013
Emre Şahin From Hammer and Sickle to the Tespih?: Religion in Kurdish Movement in Turkey Ateş Altınordu 2012/2013
Kevser Pınar Üstel Women’s Lived Experiences of Aging:    Fragments of Daily Life from a Seniors Centre Hülya Adak 2012/2013
Sema Merve İş Tracking the Invisible:Queer Approaches to Parenthood and Family in Turkey Ayşe Gül Altınay 2012/2013
Oya Nuzumlalı Schooley Mixed Feelings over an Unprecendented Election: Contestations of Ethnicity within the Suryani-Keldani Community Ayşe Parla 2011/2012
Seda Doğan

Symbolic Boundaries, Imagined Hierarchies: A Case Study of 'Soviet' Female Domestic Workers in Istanbul

Ayşe Parla 2011/2012
Gözde Burcu Ege

Remembering Armenians in Van, Turkey

Leyla Neyzi 2011/2012
Nora Tataryan Armenians Living in Turkey and the Assassination of Hrant Dink: Loss, Mourning and Melancholia Leyla Neyzi 2011/2012
Adile Aslan From the Immortal Regulator to the Wanna-be Dictator: The Specters of the Father in Saatleri Ayarlama Enstitüsü and Kar Sibel Irzık 2011/2012
Akanksha Misra Breaking the Silence, Easing the Pain: Efforts, Challenges, and Hopes of Feminist Organizations in Turkey and India Working with Survivors of Incest Ayşe Gül Altınay 2010/2011
Alparslan Nas Between National and Minor Literature in Turkey: Modes of Resistance in the Works of Mehmed Uzun and Mıgırdiç Margosyan Hülya Adak 2010/2011
Birin Çalıkoğlu The Transformation of Women Artists' Representation: A Feminist Analysis of the Historical Narrative and Istanbul Modern's 'New Works New Horizons' Exhibition Hülya Adak 2010/2011
Burcu Yoleri
Reading Valery through Tanpınar: The Analysis of an Influence
Hülya Adak 2010/2011
Duygu Yeni Before the Parable: The Reader's Trial Sibel Irzık 2010/2011
Ebru Gozacan Ozsahin Elite Perceptions of Self, Nation and Society in Contemporary Turkey Ayşe Gül Altınay 2010/2011
Emily B. Coolidge Toker More than Phonemic Patterns: The English Language and the Formation of Translated Men Sibel Irzık 2010/2011
Hülya Çağlayan Exploring the Intersections: Subordination and Resistance among Kurdish Women in Aydınlı, Tuzla Ayşe Gül Altınay 2010/2011
İbrahim Tevfik Karatop New Muslim Male Subjectivities: Masculinities in the Hizmet Movement Leyla Neyzi 2010/2011
Michael Kubiena Role of the Military in Turkish Politics: Case of the 1980 Military Coup Banu Karaca 2010/2011
Selen Erdoğan With(in) Irony Writing as Woman: Tante Rosa and Cüce Sibel Irzık 2010/2011
Şahan Yatarkalkmaz Literature and Change: Early Short Stories of Osman Şahin Hülya Adak 2010/2011
Ergin Çenebaşı Inaction as Theme and Structure in Dostoyevsky's ' Notes from Underground' and Melville's 'Bartleby, The Scrivener' Sibel Irzık 2009/2010
Ayşegül Balta The Role of NGO's in the Asylum System in Turkey: Beyond Intermediation Ayşe Parla 2009/2010
Havva Ezgi Doğru Living to the Tell the Tale: Reading 12 September Coup D'etat through the Novels Written by Socialist and Nationalist Authors Sibel Irzık 2009/2010
Duygu Şendağ State Violence and Human Rights: The European Human Rights Court Cases Submitted Against Turkey on Detention Ayşe Öncü 2009/2010
Pınar Gümüş Theatrical Performance, Everyday Life Experience & Transformation: Zeytinburnu People's Theatre Leyla Neyzi 2009/2010
Yaprak Sarıışık Mosquitoes, Sex Workers, Nuns and "Our Ignorant Folk": Narratives of HPV Infection and Vaccination Among Turkish Doctors Ayşe Parla 2009/2010
Görkem Aydemir Global Professionals in Turkey: Personal Narratives of Professionals with MBA Degrees Ayşe Öncü 2009/2010
Olcay Özer Working With and Against Stereotypes: Representations of Honor Among Turkish Immigrant Women in a Migrant Association in Berlin Ayşe Parla 2008/2009
Münire Bozdemir Animating a Classless Society: A Comparative Analysis of Metamorphosis of (Post) Human Bodies in the Matrix Triology and the Antimatrix Lanfranco Aceti 2008/2009
Özden Şahin Censorship in Visual Arts and its Political Implications in Contemporary Turkey: Four Case Studies from 2002-2009 Lanfranco Aceti 2008/2009
Haydar Darıcı Violence and Freedom: The Politics of Kurdish Children and Youth in Urban Space Leyla Neyzi 2008/2009
Senem Kaptan Mothering the Army, Mothering the State: Being a Soldier's Mother in Turkey Ayşe Gül Altınay 2008/2009
Ayşe Demet Yıldız Subjectivity Construction in Multinationals: Turkish Brand Managers' Case Dicle Koğacıoğlu 2008/2009
Nil Uzun The Meaning of "Being Political": An Analysis of "Artist Initatives" in Istanbul Ayşe Öncü 2008/2009
Fulya Kama The Politics of Women's Empowerment: The Transformative Struggles of KAMER and MOR CATI Against Violence Ayşe Gul Altınay 2008/2009
Esin Aksay Erasmus as an Emerging Educational Space in Turkey: Explanation of a New Reality at the Nexus of Education,Youth and Change Ayşe Parla 2007/2008
Özgül Akıncı Remembering the Assos International Pereforming Arts Festival Through the Iconic Memory of Huseyin Katircioglu: Reading the Rural Urban Divide Through Gender, Humor and Reflexive Ethnography Leyla Neyzi 2007/2008
Özen Nergis Seçkin The Possibilities and Subversions of Subjectivity Self and Desire in the Modern Turkish Novel Sibel Irzık 2007/2008
Alaettin Çarıkcı Manifestations of Gendercial Trauma in the Short Stories of Kirkor Ceyhan Hülya Adak 2007/2008
Sandra Finger The Meaning of Discovery Tourist Gaze and Tourist Narrativrd in Southeastern Anatolia Leyla Neyzi 2007/2008
Merve Aktar Forms of Relation: The Western Literary Canon and Orhan Pamuk's The Black Book Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children Hülya Adak 2007/2008
Tuğçe Ellialtı The Stomachache of Turkish Woman: Virginity, Premarital Sex and Responses to Ongoing Vigilance Over Women's Bodies Ayşe Parla 2007/2008
Esra Demirci Akyol The Role of Memory in the Historiography of Hatay Leyla Neyzi 2007/2008


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